
Edmodo is a platform that enables teachers, students, and parents to communicate and collaborate online is a safe controlled environment. I have used Edmodo in the past. I have not used it in a little while so getting back on there was a little different this time. When I first heard of Edmodo I was a young teacher just starting out and thought it would be a good way to connect with students outside of the classroom to make sure they were staying on top of assignments. I did not get a lot of feedback from students or parents so I stopped using it.
I am here to say that I want to use it again this year after having a better understanding of how to use online platforms for students. Edmodo is very teacher centric so the teacher controls the members and conversations on the site. Next week when I get my student rosters I will begin to build a class. During orientation I will have the information posted so parents and students can sign up on the spot and will also have the information distributed to the group in my syllabus. Once I get the students logged on I will post various assignments on there as extra credit. I am also going to try and have students collaborate on discussions on the site.
Another thing that Edmodo offers for teachers is a chance to collaborate with other instructors not in the school. I actually have been doing this over the past couple of days to see what kind of materials are out there. I will share a resource that I found on Edmodo here. This is a site for transforming your classroom into a RPG for learning. I do not think I will use this but it is interesting to see all of the different resources that people post on there for collaboration sake.

Have any of you guys used Edmodo in the past? What did you use it for?
Comment below with any suggestions or answers!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!


  1. Chris, great post! I love Edmodo too. These are some of the ways to use Edmodo at the start of the year:

    One Thing I Want to Learn This Year: On the first day of school, post a question on Edmodo as homework. Ask them to respond to the whole class with one thing they are looking forward to learning this year.

    All About Me: Create an “All About Me” presentation via the digital tool of your choice (Glog, prezi, sliderocket, etc.). The students AND teacher should each create one to embed and share on Edmodo. Have students (and teachers) post comments and connections.

    Scavenger Hunt: If students are new to Edmodo, have them do a scavenger hunt in Edmodo and include activities such as posting to the group, their teachers, and replying to several polls that tell about who is in the group.

    The Buddy System: To help break the ice with new and returning students, use the small group feature to put students together in groups of 3-4 that included both returning and new students. Ask them to use the small groups to help one another with questions, support, and study groups.

    Daily warm-ups: Post an interesting article, video clip, poll, etc. for them to view (in class or at home depending on the technology available to your students) and post comments.

    I wanted to know your thoughts about Edmodo's interface. Do you think it can be improved? If so, how?


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